
Monday 23 May 2011

Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised

Posted to The Australian (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 1:28 AM (Not published)
Commenting on “Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised”

I challenge Julia Gillard and all those climate scientists to give me an answer to this very simple question - where does the excess heat from the Sun that is not used up each day go to? This is so fundamental and yet these idiots can only come up with the most ridiculous argument that the heat is trapped by greenhouse gases which melt the ice.

The culprit causing global warming is the Sun, and greenhouse gases play an insignificant role in aggravating the process. Even without greenhouse gases, heat absorbed at the lower atmosphere level and by the oceans cannot dissipate fast enough to the almost-freezing upper atmosphere, unless the Earth rotation is slowed down so as to increase the duration of night for more heat to escape.

The melting ice cannot be reversed unless Earth’s temperature drops to sub-zero, which means the Earth has to experience another Ice Age. In short, Julia Gillard and the idiotic scientists expect us to freeze to death so that new icebergs can be formed again. During the new Ice Age, no one is allowed to turn on heaters, because that will increase the air temperature!

Increasing taxes set off a chain reaction in increasing prices of other consumer goods, utilities and other commodities. We can expect more closures of factories and even education institutions, increase in bankruptcies, unemployment, life-style stress, mental illness, homelessness and social unrest. What is the point of having a clean planet if ordinary people cannot enjoy, or in the worst case, without any human around to enjoy?

Julia Gillard must be the love child of Pinocchio and the big bad red-hair wolf which ate Red Riding Hood’s grandma!