
Friday 11 February 2011

Think about it before the next raindrop falls

Many new residential blocks are small, and the house, driveway and garage occupy most of the land, leaving very little room for plants. Although earlier subdivided land sizes are bigger, many people have turned the non build-up areas into rock gardens or concreted outdoor area due to busy life style. Rain is not absorbed, and goes down to the drain literally. With fewer plants, absorption of carbon dioxide is reduced, and in the meantime, emission of oxygen is reduced as well.

Adapt or perish

Our life span is not that long, so we don't really know whether this is a regular phenomenon. One thing I am sure of, Earth / ocean warming is due to the trillions of joules of Sun energy pouring onto the Earth each day, which is absorbed by the ocean.

Don't let idiots spread the rumours that the dinosaur's farts, shits or burps emitted enough carbon dioxide or methane gas to cause atmospheric pollution resulting in Ice Age!

We have to accept the fact the temperatures will rise with time, and we must learn to adapt to the environmental changes. If we fail to recognise the importance of living with prevalent conditions, we will experience the same consequence as what had happened to the dinosaurs. On the contrary, if we are smart, we will live forever more like the insects.