
Thursday, 26 May 2011

China admits Three Gorges Dam has 'urgent problems' as drought persists

Posted to CNN (25/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 10:31 PM
Commenting on “China admits Three Gorges Dam has 'urgent problems' as drought persists”

Back in 8 November 2006, David Dreverman, head of the Murray-Darling river basin commission (Australia), said: "This is more typical of a one in a 1,000-year drought, or possibly even drier, than it is of a one in 100-year event." In 9 January 2011, South Australian water broker Waterfind said that "Historic odds indicate 2011 will also be a year of high rainfall within the basin as there has only been one time in the past 110 years".

It is unfortunate that the people living downstream of Yangtze River are experiencing hardship, but I doubt very much this is contributed by the Three Gorges Dam Project. In four years time, everyone will be celebrating when rain falls heavily again, and the people will be spared from flood and drowning, and the dam will go down in history as one of the greenest development of mankind.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Climate change cocktail

Posted to Monash Weekly (28/2/2011) on 25/5/2011 at 4:33 PM
Commenting on " New-look carbon fix makes Abbott a man of steel"

Anyone remembers Target 155 during water restriction period? There was no tax imposed on the public, even when someone used above the target; and yet people were chipping in to make this Target campaign a success. Why can't we do this for carbon dioxide emission reduction?

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CFC is suppose to destroy the ozone layer making ozone hole bigger and allowing more UV ray to reach the Earth surface causing skin cancer. There was not a tax on CFC and yet the blanket ban of CFC use worked.

Furthermore commonsense tells us that carbon tax will not help to cool the Earth, only global cooling technology can do the job.

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We cannot fight the power of the Sun, Earth and Mother Nature. We have to accept the fact the temperatures will rise with time, and we must learn to adapt to the environmental changes.

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Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and another real culprit can be reduced without causing pain and suffering to the Australian hip-pocket-nerves.

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Monday, 23 May 2011

Climate change is critical

Posted to Herald Sun (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 1:55 AM
Commenting on “Climate change is now critical, says the Climate Commission”

Each year 4 quintillion Joules (4 x 10 to the power of 18 Joules) of solar energy reaches the Earth, but only 300 trillion Joules (3 x 10 to the power 14 Joules) are consumed by the world's population. There is plenty of energy left to warm the Earth. No wonder "the atmosphere is warming, the ocean is warming, ice is being lost from glaciers and ice caps, and sea levels are rising."

Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised

Posted to The Australian (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 1:28 AM (Not published)
Commenting on “Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised”

I challenge Julia Gillard and all those climate scientists to give me an answer to this very simple question - where does the excess heat from the Sun that is not used up each day go to? This is so fundamental and yet these idiots can only come up with the most ridiculous argument that the heat is trapped by greenhouse gases which melt the ice.

The culprit causing global warming is the Sun, and greenhouse gases play an insignificant role in aggravating the process. Even without greenhouse gases, heat absorbed at the lower atmosphere level and by the oceans cannot dissipate fast enough to the almost-freezing upper atmosphere, unless the Earth rotation is slowed down so as to increase the duration of night for more heat to escape.

The melting ice cannot be reversed unless Earth’s temperature drops to sub-zero, which means the Earth has to experience another Ice Age. In short, Julia Gillard and the idiotic scientists expect us to freeze to death so that new icebergs can be formed again. During the new Ice Age, no one is allowed to turn on heaters, because that will increase the air temperature!

Increasing taxes set off a chain reaction in increasing prices of other consumer goods, utilities and other commodities. We can expect more closures of factories and even education institutions, increase in bankruptcies, unemployment, life-style stress, mental illness, homelessness and social unrest. What is the point of having a clean planet if ordinary people cannot enjoy, or in the worst case, without any human around to enjoy?

Julia Gillard must be the love child of Pinocchio and the big bad red-hair wolf which ate Red Riding Hood’s grandma!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Malcolm Turnbull's climate policy is a sad case

Posted to Herald Sun (19/5/2011) on 19/5/2011 at 10:49 PM (not published)
Commenting on “Malcolm Turnbull admits that he still wants to lead the Coalition”

Carbon tax does not do anything to cool the Earth. It only makes the temperature of hardworking Australians go up to warm the Earth further.

Commonsense tells us that to counteract any warming, we need cooling or heat absorption. Swapping coal-fired power generation plants with solar or wind-driven ones only slows down the warming process negligibly, because the carbon dioxide discharge is so small percentage wise. Every year, bush fires and volcanic eruptions release more greenhouse pollutants than existing power plants.

It is so obvious that the Sun energy poured onto our planet everyday is not used up, and the excess is causing the warming of the atmosphere and the oceans.

Implementing carbon tax is going set up an economic chain reaction, more disastrous than any nuclear explosion. Besides increase in domestic electricity bills, all industries relying on electricity will be affected, and the cost will be passed on to the consumers.

Unfortunately carbon storage is not a feasible solution. A plausible answer is to grow high carbohydrate plants which acts as a carbon sink and helps solve starvation. Anyone supporting Gillard, her goons, and shit stirrer Turnbull are wearing blinkers.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Carbon tax to hurt more than ETS

Posted to The Australian (16/5/2011) on 16/5/2011 at 6:50 AM
Commenting on “Carbon tax to hurt more than ETS, warns energy sector”

It is sad that so much time and effort have been spent in talking about ETS and carbon tax that nothing really constructive has been done in nation building. Since Kevin Rudd came to power, one policy after another failed miserably leading to huge financial losses. So what he rectified the Kyoto Protocol, did other countries pay much attention to it? Let's look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; many countries are experiencing natural disasters, and they really want to keep their people feed, and housed. Australia is facing the same problem, and billions of dollars are needed to restore the many lives to normality.

Many large Tsunamis happened in Japan long before Industrial Revolution. Pompeii was destroyed by fire and Atlantis sunk to the bottom of the ocean. These destructions were inevitable because human beings just cannot tame our planet Earth and Mother Nature. Carbon tax is no panacea, and Julia Gillard is no saviour.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Tony Abbott keeps Liberals ahead of Labor

Posted to The Australian (3/5/2011) on 3/5/2011 at 4:16 AM
Commenting on “Tony Abbott keeps Liberals ahead of Labor: Newspoll”

Well done, Tony for your effort. Carbon tax is NOT a goer, and you are right to campaign against it. Carbon tax does not solve global warming, because the sun energy will continue to heat up our planet with the introduction of carbon tax. However, your approach in burying the carbon dioxide is not a good idea, too. When carbon dioxide is formed, one carbon atom combines with two oxygen atoms. This is analogous to oxygen depletion. Locking up the carbon dioxide also means locking up oxygen.

I have better alternatives. One is grow more carbohydrate (polysaccharides) which can be used as carbon sink as well as food for millions of hungry people in the world when harvested. Large carbon emitters and the greenies will not object such proposal, and in fact the former will be seen as environmental friendly global citizens. It also makes their triple bottom line look good.

The second alternative is to dehumidify moisture in the atmosphere. Water vapour is a bigger greenhouse culprit, worse than carbon dioxide. Atmospheric dehumidification may one day become just as popular as collection of rain water.

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