
Saturday, 12 October 2019

Al Gore Likely To Become The World’s First ‘Carbon Billionaire’

Commonsense tells me that the current hypothesis of global warming is nonsensical and can just as well be taken with a grain of salt.

I would like to see governments, scientists, academic and business people take up a class action against these scamming doomsayers. These predictions are as inaccurate as the Mayan calendar and Y2K bug prediction about the end of the world, and in addition the coming of Christ.

It is getting more and more ridiculous that 12 Mayors around the world banning or reducing the consumption of meat in their respective cities, because cattle poo decomposes into methane gas, a greenhouse gas that causes global warming.

Is it possible that human culling may be a reality because more and more human beings will be living on the planet, breathing in more oxygen and discharging more carbon dioxide, the latter being another greenhouse gas?

It is evident that glacier ice is melting, not only in the North Pole and South Pole, but also in Switzerland, China, Canada, etc. The volume of ice is huge and will not disappear in the next decade, not even in the next two decades or half a century. I recently visited Moscow, and the daily temperature and seasonal temperature fluctuated from 18 degrees to less then zero in a matter of a day or two. It is the start of summer In Moscow! Human beings can survive even the temperature varies by 40 to 50 degrees in a day. Ask the guest workers in Middle East who work at construction sites under hot sun with site temperature over 45 degrees, and it is no surprise that nothing has been reported that they drop death like flies when they enter an air conditioned office of 18 degrees, or even a restaurant cool room at 3 degrees.

There are reports of fish in rivers die suddenly in thousands or more. Global warming is gradual and therefore such instaneous death can only be attributed to toxic substance being discharged into the rivers, and not by gradual temperature increase.

If all the ice is melted tomorrow, not all land mass will be flooded overnight. Can you recall the story of Noah's Ark that the world was flooded for seven days and seven nights? It is just impossible that the whole world but just a minute portion of it was flooded. If the whole world was flooded, where did the water go to when the rain stopped and sun came out again? It was impossible that the water was evaporated in days or years, unless the temperature was raised to hundreds of degrees, and during which time Noah, his family members and all animals on board the ark would have roasted to death.

Melting of all the ice on Earth, as I mentioned before, would not flood the world, because there are enough high grounds for human settlement. People relying on melted snow for fresh water can turn to desalinated water just like those in the Middle East countries. By the way, scientist did rescue 7 out of 9 ancient temples in Egypt when the compound needed to be flooded in order to make way for Aswan dam.

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit 3 temples, which were dismantled and reconstructed on higher ground.

Melting of all the ice may be a blessing in disguise, because those global warming scammers will not be able to create divides among their fellow human beings, and human beings can live happily everafter without dying from stress, worrying the coming of the doomsday.