
Monday, 20 January 2020

Melting glacier ice is nothing like a Tsunami

The speed of rising water caused by melting glacier ice is nothing like a Tsunami, and yet many humans escaped the Tsunami and returned to rebuild their homes.

Look at yesterday and today deluge, the burnt and barren areas are green and dry river beds filled. Wildlife will return soon. Many of the assumed dead creatures will crawl out from the burrows and hiding places and live happily everafter.

If all the snow fields and icebergs are thawed, some islands will drown, land flooded, but the water will find ways to fill dried rivers, lakes, inland “seas”, reservoirs, dams and underground artisan wells.

Humankind always dream of greening the deserts and turn them into oases, better still become cultivatable fertile productive farm land. Flooding of the world will in fact bring back the luscious green forests everywhere, with trees sucking up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and giving out oxygen during photosynthesis.

This is how nature cleans up the mess, and give the humans a new lease of life. When carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, is dissolved in water, it forms carbonic acid. As additional fresh water from melted ice mixes with the ocean water, it helps to dilute the acidity of the water.

So, why are we stopping the force of nature doing what is best for the humankind?

Go ask Noah what happened after the big flood. He probably would tell you that a lot of the human’s dirty sins were cleansed until now!

Don’t bury your head in the sand. You can’t see where you’re going, and even if you do, the way to go is six feet under!

Thank you for reading.